Musei no Tora Bujinkan 無声の 虎 体術

Classical Japanese Warrior Arts & Culture

Tokkun 特訓

Tokkun 特訓 means "special training, "intensive training", or "crash course". These are special events separate from regular training sessions that are focused on a specific criteria or topic.

Deeper than Martial Arts.

Older than Martial Arts.

The Origin of Martial Arts.

Dojo Shunen 道場周年
Saturday, May 4th. 3:30pm - 7:30pm (tentative)
Celebrate with us our dojo anniversary!

Experience Shodou 書道
Sunday, October 13
Japan Outreach Initiative representative Mana-sensei will lead our
Waka Musha class with introduction on Japanese calligraphy

Southeast TaiKai 2025
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 13-15th
Come experience three days of training from 9 different instructors!

Trip back to Japan
October 9th - ?, 2025
It's time for our dojo trip back to Japan to train with sensei!